Dear readers,
We invite you, your friends, and your loved ones to watch some great stories in our unique format at absolutely no cost!
As you know, CINE-BOOKS aim is to restore reading to its full glory. That’s why we created our unique format, in the first place. Now it’s time to make it even better with your support!
For now, we are offering you the following 3 cine-books:
You can watch any of them or all three!
Hi avid readers!
We’ve been testing our unique format for about a month now. The CINE-BOOKS team is constantly receiving your feedback. For that, we are deeply grateful!
We decided to extend beta-testing, expanding it for different groups of readers...
The COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly struck a lot of countries. Due to the high-speed spreading of the disease, people have to stay home and follow all the quarantine restrictions. Cine-Books understands that self-isolation for a long time might be bothersome—which is why we decided to give our users an opportunity to enjoy our best cine-books for FREE!